¨Making Tourism in Venezuela¨

Making Tourism in Venezuela It has always been spoken of tourism as a revenue source and generator of jobs, but does not create a schedule (seriously and consistently over time) at the governmental level to develop, nor officially created (at the Ministry of Education) courses aimed dedicated to preparing people who feel that tourism is a profession like any other revenue-generating, and most importantly, raising the population to respond to the public (tourists whether internal or foreign) who, in a nutshell is the main actor. All rulers of the day fill your mouth with good intentions which in most cases remain in engavetados plans or in the worst case in bureaucracy and corruption. I think it's time to change that, think of the great country we have and have love for Venezuela; the country belongs to everyone and for all. This time they let these graphs idyllic site for our great country enjoys. Can enjoy doing domestic tourism in Venezuela as well as foreigners living in other ...